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Spend some TIME with us:- Volunteer locally - Volunteer internationally, come to Africa and help! - Partner with us - Become an EMG Ambassador
Support an EMG event:- Sponsor an event - Host a fundraiser - Attend local events - Donate items, services, gift cards, etc. for events
Other creative ways to get INVOLVED!- Take the $10 challenge (ask us how) - Do your school co-op hours with us (ex. Write a research-based nutrition blog, come to Africa and teach, help us locally with our social media, any other skills you have that you think is relevant?) - Sponsor a student or an employee who is interested in studying or working abroad at one of our community projects in Kenya or Uganda.
Easy stuff you can do NOW!- Like us on Facebook - Like us on Instagram - DONATE, every dollar raised goes directly to our projects!
For Organizations- Partner with us [contact us here] to find out more - Sponsor us (see our sponsors page to check out our sponsors) - Arrange to volunteer as a group. - Email us to find out more!
Purchase Rudi Organics ProductsRudi Organics is a line of products imported and distributed in Canada exclusively for Eco Mama’s Global Community Gardens projects & beneficiaries. These Direct, “Beyond Fair Trade” items are produced by groups in or near the villages we work in, and are exported from Africa as a sustainable means to create income for some members of the communities. Rudi means “to return to” in Swahili. It is our belief that in returning to ethical, transparent, sustainable direct trade, it is possible to work responsibly within our global system to have consideration and care for people and the environment, only take what we need, and return the rest to the people and the earth that created it. Sustainable, certified and non-certified organic, direct trade items are sold through Rudi Organics as a means to sustain our work in East Africa. Handwoven textiles are currently available for purchase.
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100% of our donations go DIRECTLY towards
building our Eco-Communities in East Africa.
We can even help you trace your donation!
Donations over $20 will be issued an donation receipt.
(Paypal takes 3% of your donation money, so please
take that into consideration. You can also send us an
E-Transfer, cheque, money order or cash)
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